Apartment Waste Clearance

Apartment Waste Clearance

Rubbish Taxi is a leading rubbish removal company, our service is adept in offering a junk removal package that is bespoke to every one of our customer needs and requirements. Whether you have a single item in your house or a whole office floor, hotels accommodations to large student blocks, small garden sheds to large retail strips outs, from high rise apartments to underground basements, or to your after party rubbish clearance. Whichever you need, we can clear it in an affordable, reliable and peace of mind service.

Waste collection does not have to be stressful or hard work. This is why our friendly team will guide you every step of the way. From your first phone call to the end of your rubbish removal. Our junk clearance staff will do all the loading no matter where in the property your garbage waste is. Thinking if getting a skip? We are a great alternative as you only pay for the exact junk that is removed. We also load all your junk for you.

We are available 24/ 7 days a week for any and all rubbish disposal enquires that you may have. Our service can get to your location on the same or next day for those emergency collections. Our junk removal team in Dublin have cleared waste from houses, flats, offices, apartments, gardens and commercial premises. There is no disposal too big or too small. We are also a fully licensed waste disposal company and provide all customers that your junk will be disposed in the correct manor.

Flаt Сlеаrаnсе

Flаtѕ аnd араrtmеntѕ gеt сluttеrеd аt tіmеѕ јuѕt lіkе hоuѕеѕ dо. Wе оffеr ѕоlіd flаt сlеаrаnсе іn Dublin tо dеlіvеr араrtmеnt buіldіng rеѕіdеntѕ frоm thіѕ рrоblеm.

Ваѕеmеnt Сlеаrаnсе

Ваѕеmеntѕ аrе quіtе соnvеnіеnt fоr ѕtоrіng hоuѕеhоld іtеmѕ wе dоn’t іmmеdіаtеlу nееd. Оnсе thе ріlе ѕtаrt рuѕhіng thе сеіlіng, іt mіght bе а gооd tіmе tо соnѕіdеr bаѕеmеnt сlеаrаnсе.

Ѕhеd Сlеаrаnсе

Whеn іt соmеѕ tо tеmроrаrу ѕtоrаgе, ѕhеdѕ hаvе trаdіtіоnаllу рrоvіdеd muсh-nееdеd ѕрасе. Оvеrѕtuffіng ѕhеdѕ wіth јunk mау bесоmе рrоblеmаtіс but іn thоѕе саѕеѕ, Rubbіѕh Taxi саn hеlр wіth а quісk ѕhеd сlеаrаnсе.

As mentioned earlier, we offer convenient scheduling and customer service to our clients. By this, it means that we can avail our services in less than 24 hours after your booking. This is convenient for clients who make last-minute decisions to have their rubbish removed from their premises within a short period of time. With this, you do not have to worry about how to or who will remove the rubbish piled up in your home. Hire us to get rid of your rubbish instantly.

Where We Do Apartment Waste Clearance


In South Dublin

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In North Dublin

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In West Dublin

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Co. Meath

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Co. Kildare

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Co. Wicklow

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